
Capella Capital led the formation of the consortium and the bid, driving value for money through all phases

Reached Financial Close in 2012

Commercial structure/ Financing Solution

Construction commenced in November 2012 with Stage 1 completion scheduled for November 2016


Completed March 2017

Sunshine Coast Public University Hospital PPP Project

The Exemplar Health consortium, including Lendlease, Spotless, Siemens and Capella Capital, was awarded the contract to design, build, finance and maintain Sunshine Coast University Hospital (SCUH), located at Kawana on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast.

As the first health Public, Private Partnership (PPP) procured in Queensland, SCUH opened on schedule to the first public patients in March 2017. Delivering an initial 450 overnight beds, it offers a range of new and expanded health care services to meet the increasing demand for hospital services on the Sunshine Coast.

Growing to 738 beds by 2021, an estimated 10,000 patients each year will no longer have to travel to Brisbane for complex treatment.

Over the 25 year concession Exemplar Health will deliver a range of facility management services to support the operator, Sunshine Coast Hospital & Health Service (SCHHS), including building maintenance, help desk, security, pest control, car parking, and grounds maintenance.

SCUH is expected to service more than 520,000 people by 2026.

Key Features

Project Size
