Eastern Goldfields Regional Prison Redevelopment Project

Formed and led by Capella Capital, the Assure Partners consortium entered into an agreement with the Western Australian State Government to design, build, finance and maintain the Eastern Goldfields Regional Prison (EGRP) Redevelopment Project located at Kalgoorlie-Boulder in Western Australia. Through a public private partnership (PPP) procurement model, Capella Capital, with consortium members John Holland and Pindan Joint Venture (Design & Construct Subcontractor) and Honeywell (Facility Management Subcontractor), delivered the EGRP Redevelopment Project, creating a new state-of-the-art 350 bed prison, catering for both genders across all security ratings.

The facility will comprise:

  • 200-bed male medium security sector with capacity to accommodate 20 maximum security prisoners
  • 60-bed male minimum security sector
  • 40-bed male open minimum security sector
  • 50-bed female maximum, medium and minimum sector including a 6-bed mothers and children unit.

With a contract term of approximately 25 years, this project provides significantly greater capacity than the existing ageing infrastructure, with the potential to accommodate up to 400 beds.

Community benefits will be realised through the proximate location of the facility to families and friends, affording greater rehabilitative opportunities for offenders from the Goldfields region.

Public art enhances the new facility, with the inclusion of new works and the relocation of two significant Aboriginal art wall murals from the former facility.

Operations commenced at the prison in August 2016.

Project Size
